Historical Note - Week of April 26th
Daily Yellowstone Journal, April 28, 1885 SUNDAY SINNINGS Fatal Shooting of an Old-Timer at Bozeman-Lively Batch of Montana...
Fundraiser Announcement
Life Between Mountains: paint, lace and rust – opening July 1st, 2015. The Cooke City Montana Museum presents still life paintings by...
Historical Note - Week of April 19th
Choteau Montanan, April 23, 1920 In Cooke City, just off the northeast corner of the Yellowstone national park primitive conditions have...
Painting Project update
Over the past few months I have been painting a body of work using the Museum’s collection of wonderful artifacts as my subject. These...
Historical Note - Week of April 12th
Bozeman Avant Courier, April 18, 1873 For Clark’s Fork.---Quite a number of miners and prospectors have gone, or are outfitting to go, to...
Historical Note - Week of April 5th
Big Timber Pioneer, April 5, 1928 Martin Ranmael Tells Story of Early Cooke City History Livingston Enterprise: Plans are under way to...
Update from the Desk of the Director
This winter I spent a good amount of time compiling newspaper articles that related to the area and entering them into a database I...
Historical Note - Week of March 29th
Gardiner Wonderland, March 30, 1905 Cooke City wet goods houses are in expectation of times becoming livelier soon, as evidenced last...
Museum's Association of Montana Conference
The Museum’s Association of Montana conference 2015 was wonderful, I made some great connections and educated many more people about our...
Historical Note - Week of March 22nd
Daily Yellowstone Journal, March 27, 1887 Advices from Cooke City report ten feet of snow on the level, if there is any level. We are...