Historical Note - Week of March 15th
Northern Wyoming Herald, March 20, 1918 COOKE CITY WOMAN DARES LONG TRAMP THROUGH WILDS A truly remarkable feat of endurance in a task...
Historical Note - Week of March 8th
Big Timber Pioneer, March 10, 1927 Cooke City Mining Man Dies in Germany Absarokee Enterprise: Word has been received here that Dr. G.L....
Historical Note - Week of March 1st
The Butte Inter Mountain, March 3, 1903 “PIKE” MOORE DEAD A Well-Known Oldtimer Passes Away at Gardiner—A Prospector SPECIAL TO THE INTER...
Historical Note - Week of February 22
Gardiner Wonderland, February 25, 1905 Adam Gassert and David Johnson arrived in Gardiner from Cooke City on Wednesday, after spending...
Historical Note - Week of February 15th
The Anaconda Standard, February 18, 1896 HARRY GASSERT DEAD He Was a Well Known Mining Man in This State Special Dispatch to the Standard...
Historical Note - Week of February 8th
Big Timber Pioneer, February 11, 1897 Gnawed His Way to Liberty It isn’t often that a man owes his life to a good set of teeth, and yet...
Painting Project
Over the past few months I have been painting a body of work using the Museum’s collection of wonderful artifacts as my subject. These...
Historical Note - Week of February 1st
The Choteau Acantha, February 4th, 1932 New Town Born in Park County Red Lodge.- This section of Montana is to have a new town. Three...
Historical Note - Week of Jan. 26th
Great Falls Leader, January 27, 1889 A correspondent writing from Cooke City says that about forty men are spending the winter in camp...
Historical Note - Week of January 18th
Helena Independent, January 20th, 1889 Miles City Journal: When a railroad is built to Cooke City, which will probably be next year, the...