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Cooke News from 1887

The Livingston Enterprise, March 12, 1887

Cooke News.

Having just arrived from Cooke City, I thought a few items would be acceptable to the public through your enterprising paper. As to this district, its prospects never looked as bright as at present. Every mine that is being developed shows an improvement in the quantity and quality of the ore beyond the most sanguine expectation, of those who have expended money and labor in the development of this wonderful mining region.

Many reports are abroad that the Cooke City road is impassable. I will state that J.A. Clark has succeeded in opening a good road from Gardiner to Cooke City; and through his indomitable energy succeeded in making a trip to Cooke City a pleasure rather than a hardship. Mr. Clark is now transporting passengers over the road daily, and so far I have yet to hear a word of complaint. D.W.R.

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