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Historic Note - Week of November 19th

The Livingston Enterprise, November 21, 1885

Cooke Items.

The first load of coke for the Great Republic smelter reached Cooke on Wednesday the 18th, and Geo. Armboldt wants to be put on record as the man who hauled it.

The long looked for smelter of Gassert & Redding reached Cinnabar Thursday by Park branch train where teams had been waiting for ten days or more to transport it to Cooke. It was immediately transferred from the cars to wagons, and is now moving toward the camp, where it is hoped it will be in active operation in two weeks time at most.

Mr. R. Rickard, general manager of the great Republic company announces that preparation with all speed is being made to set the Republic smelter in motion, and that by January 1st everything will be in readiness for operation. The company are now buying and receiving ore and are ready to purchase from all corners.

The roads from Cinnabar to Cooke are in excellent condition—even better than they were earlier in the fall, and freighters anticipate but little trouble in keeping them passable throughout the winter.

The water in the ditch heretofore used for running the machinery of Mr. Esler’s smelting operations having frozen up, a steam engine was substituted and it is now likely that this smelter will also be kept running all winter.

There is a feeling of good cheer in the camp and well there may be. There is now prosperity for all—a home market for all ore that mine owners may wish to sell, and employment for all who choose to labor.

Cooke City Railroad.

Notice is hereby given that the final meeting of the several committees appointed in the interest of the Cooke railroad project will be held at Speith & Krug’s Hall, Bozeman, at 7 p.m., Saturday, 21st inst. Invitation is extended to all interested to attend and participate.

By order General Committee,

J.V. BOGERT, Chairman

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