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Historic Note - Week of November 5th

The Livingston Enterprise, November 9, 1889

Cooke City Letter.

The cold, cheerless weather which has prevailed in this altitude for the past two weeks or more has been the occasion for many people leaving camp, which has had the effect of reducing our ranks to a considerable extent. It cannot be said that these people compose any considerable portion of our permanent population, though they justly claim a residence here. They are people who for the most part are wont to spend the summer months prospecting in the mountains hereabouts, and at the first sign of winter seek pastures new in quest of that inestimable boon, a prospector’s “grub stake.” This emigration began soon after election, and has continued, until a rough estimate places our present population at 150 souls, most of whom will likely winter in camp.

Rumor saith that H. Gassett has negotiated for the sale of the “Morning Star,” “Black Warrior,” “Daisy” and other mining properties in the New World Mining district, at figures aggregating $350,000. This reported sale is supposed to be the result of Mr. William’s recent visit to camp, mention of which has already been made in your columns. We give it simply as a rumor, though there seems to be foundation for the report.

A.K. Crawford, otherwise known as “Scotty,” the Paul Revere of the Yellowstone, recently made a nocturnal equine excursion to camp. His stay and subsequent departure were hurried. It is said “Scotty’s” mission was to procure certain papers having some bearing on this reputed sale. We hope the report is true, not only for the sake of Mr. Gassett, who has done much to develop the camp, but for the stimulating effect as well which a sale of this magnitude would have upon the camp in general.

Wm. Bause has returned from a visit to the western part of the state. Contrary to all expectations “Billy” returned alone. During his absence his store was under the able management of W.J. Winnedge.

The report that Northern Pacific engineers were again at work in Clarke’s Fork canyon is now denied by those in position to know. It is the general belief that both the Clarke’s Fork and Stillwater routes are impracticable, and that the railroad, if it comes at all, will come by the way of Cinnabar.


Cooke City, Mont., Nov. 7, ’89.

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