Historic Note - Week of July 2nd
The Anaconda Standard, July 8, 1893
From Cooke City
Special Correspondence of the Standard
COOKE CITY, July 3.—S.B. Wyman came in the first of last week from Livingston and began vigorous work on the roads of Cooke over which he is commissioner.
Ex-Deputy Sheriff Sam Jackson is staying in Cooke a few weeks looking after the property lately assigned to George L. Carey by Nichols and Chittenden.
C. Brown of Gardiner, came to Cooke last week with some cattle, preparatory to opening a meat market.
James Ennis departed for Livingston last Monday for a few days’ visit.
Messrs. Master and Smith came in from a hunting and prospecting trip last Friday and report too much snow still in the mountains to do any prospecting and no signs of game.
The glorious Fourth will be celebrated in Cooke by a social picnic to be held in a grove near town with songs and recitations by the school children.
Jack Allen, the enterprising hotel keeper of Cooke, has purchased a new flag and now has the ensign of liberty floating out to the breeze above the Cosmopolitan.
W.E. Nichols and wife have gone to housekeeping in the Connel house on Broadway.