Historic Note - Week of March 12th
The Livingston Enterprise, March 13, 1886
COOKE, March 9. – The Republic smelter was shut down last Sunday morning, the supply of coke having become exhausted. As soon as more coke arrives another run will be made.
Mr. Gassert expects his fifty-ton Hartsfeld smelter to arrive at Cinnabar in about two weeks. On its arrival at Cooke he intends to set it up in the old smelter building and there operate it until a suitable building is erected for it.
Dunk McGregor on Saturday evening while under the influence of liquor, undertook to run the Cosmopolitan hotel, but Frank Hobbs, the genial proprietor, was not disposed to permit any such thing and had McGregor arrested. He was fined $25 and costs for the offense. N.

Cosmopolitan Hotel