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Historic Note - Week of February 5th

Big Timber Pioneer, February 5, 1920


It is beginning to look as if Cooke City might eventually come into its own, and that within the next few years, if not months.

At a meeting of Rotarians in Livingston last Monday evening, W.D. Marlow, representative of eastern capital, and well known in Big Timber, put life and pep into Cooke City resident, as well as those of Livingston, by outlining what his company proposes to do for the old neglected mining camp. Mr. Marlow has large interests back of him, he demonstrated that in Sweet Grass county, and what he says will probably be carried into effect. Ten million dollars is a lot of money to the ordinary man, but it is only a trifle to capital seeking investment. If Cooke makes good it will be through the expenditure of large sums, and the interests represented by Mr. Marlow have millions for development at all times.

And what a ray of hope it offers to the old time miner of Cooke City who has spent the best part of his life watching the rainbow, never discouraged or disheartened, toiling and living on by the scantiest of means, firm in the belief that some day transportation would be afforded the camp and that its place in the mining world would be at the top. Scores have passed away, never realizing the fruition of a life’s dream, while others still remain, aged, decrepit and broken in body, but still strong in the belief that Cooke City offers possibilities undreamed of by the most optimistic of rainbow chasers.

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