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Historic Post - Week of October 9th

The Livingston Enterprise, October 10, 1891

D.G. Ross came down from Cooke Saturday, where he has been engaged during the past season in development work upon mining properties in which he is interested. He reports more effective work done by the mine owners during the summer than ever before, with good results so far as the showing of mineral is concerned, and like all others acquainted with that camp is confident that with railroad facilities it will become the greatest silver-lead producing district in the world.

William J. Vinnedge, president of the Vinnedge Mining company of Cooke, was in the city Thursday attending to business interests. He reports that mining properties of the camp never made a better showing than they do at the present time, as development work the past season has been more successfully directed than in former years. He states that the feeling is more hopeful that congress will take favorable action the coming winter to permit railroad construction to the camp, and with needed transportation the New World district will become the greatest mineral producer in the country.

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