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Historical Note - Week of July 3rd

Big Timber Pioneer, July 5, 1906

The first blast of a smelter whistle blown in 20 years was the signal Monday at Cooke City that activities in camp had once more resumed. The old Republic smelter, under the management of C.H. Eaton of Cooke, had been overhauled and placed in running order. It was 20 years to a day since the last blast was blown July 2, 1886. The operation of the smelter proclaims a new future for Cooke that promises to be more substantial than the short life it experienced in the palmy days of 20 years ago.

The Cosmopolitan Hotel, Notice the American flag, probably the first in the valley. Happy Fourth of July!!!

Museum events:

Joe's Campfire Thursday, July 7th: Greg Smith "A visit with am 1879 American Fur Company Trader" A Humanities Montana sponsored event. Backyard Museum, 6:00pm.

"He Might Strike it Still" Exhibit reception and 2 year anniversary event. July 19th, 2:00pm. Pick up your copy of the Museum's new annual newsletter to read about the life of Anastazie and Anton Zucker, featured in our newest exhibit. Also available here: 2016 Museum Newsletter

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Cooke City Montana Museum

206 W. Main Street

P.O. Box 1134

Cooke City, MT 59020


Museum Director: Donna Rowland

​Telephone : ​406-838-2203 

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