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Historical Post - Week of May 29th

Big Timber Pioneer, May 31, 1895


Much Interest Being Manifested In Choosing One in September.

Among the lovers of flowers, throughout the state, there is much interest being taken in the coming contest, by which one of the many beautiful blossoms shall be chosen as Montana’s state emblem. Mrs. F. Scheber of Livingston and Mrs. C.T. Busha of this place [Big Timber] are taking an active interest in the work and have gathered many specimens of the flowers native to the state. Following is a poem, on the subject, written by a lady in Cooke City and entitled:

The Wild Columbine.

What flower shall be the emblem

Of this great state of ours?

Which shall we choose and which refuse

From all its lovely flowers?

But as they pass before me,

In meditation’s light,

From out the rest I choose the best,

And think that I am right.

It is the wild sweet Columbine

Wherever it doth grow,

Its merits speak to those who seek

The fairest flower to know.

It needs no care or culture,

Hardy and fearless too,

It raises its head from a rock bound bed,

And nods like a queen at you.

No pet of sunny skies is this,

For where the cold winds blow,

On mountain sides where snow abides

The Columbine doth grow.

And where the cheerless wastes appear,

When early spring has come,

These flowers so dear, their leaves appear,

And make for themselves a home.

Upon the lovely mountains’ way

Or in valleys green and fair,

You find this flower, whose mystic power,

Is potent everywhere.

Its varying colors please the eye.

Its hardy strength implies

That fearless soul naught can control;

Where courage never dies.

Would it not be for this great state

An emblem fair and true?

A symbol then of the fearless men

Who have fought life’s battle through,

And helped to make this state a power

Indeed, among the very best;

And won from fame a lasting name,

E’er they had sunk to rest.

Photo courtesy Dan Hartman

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