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Historical Post - Week of May 22nd

The Livingston Enterprise, May 22, 1886

What has become of the surveyors of the Billings, Clark’s Fork & Cooke City railroad? The last heard from them was three weeks ago when a messenger, dispatched from Clark’s Fork canyon, arrived at Billings and divulged to the Gazette the startling information that the party had succeeded in getting four miles into the canyon. As nothing has since been heard from them, the expectant (?) miners of Cooke are seriously contemplating the organization of rescuing parties to search for the surveyors, whom they fear have met with some disaster in their perilous journey. We do not share in this alarm, however, as we believe their better judgement has prevailed and, finding the route impracticable, they have quietly returned and abandoned the project. It will now be in order for the Gazette to inform the public of the further progress made in the canyon during the past three weeks, or honestly admit the impossibility of building a road over that route.

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