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Historical Note - Week of May 8th

The Anaconda Standard, May 14, 1895


The trustees of the Cooke City school district have engaged Mrs. Minnie Hickox of this city, to teach a three months’ term of school at that camp, beginning on June 3.

From present indications the coming summer will witness greatly increased activity at the mining camp of Cooke City. Arrangements are being made for the speedy resumption of operations by the Blandon Mining and Milling company, and within a short time the company’s cyadine mill will be put in operation again on the ore of the Alice E. mine.

Operations will also be resumed on the Daisy mine, one of the richest properties in the famous camp. This mine is owned by Harry Gassert, Peter Branser and H.A. Kearns, and was bonded last January to a syndicate of Michigan capitalists of whom Aaron P.Bliss of Saginaw, Mich., is the leading spirit. Mr. Bliss’ agent, Dr. N. Lehnen of St. Paul, passed through the city last Wednesday and sent word up to Cooke to have a blacksmith shop, a boarding house and other buiuldings erected at the camp. The Michigan parties propose expending about $2,500 on the road to Cooke, and will put it in good shape for the transportation of ore. Quite a large force of men will be put to work on the mine, and as soon as the contemplated improvement is made to the wagon road, shipments of ore will begin. There is now over $40,000 worth of ore on the Daisy dump.

Work will be resumed on the United States Treasury mine, owned by a company of that name. B.R. Holland, the superintendent and general manager, arrived from Billings to-day, and will leave for Cooke next Wednesday to begin work of sorting and sacking ore for shipment to the Ohama smelter. By the way, Mr. Holland was married at Billings Friday evening to Miss Ida Loge of St. Paul, and will be accompanied to Cooke by his bride.

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P.O. Box 1134

Cooke City, MT 59020

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