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Historical Note - Week of January 4th

Big Timber Pioneer, January 9, 1930

Cooke City, a historic mining camp situated in the New World mining district, accessible by railroad only when the government grants permission to build through a part of its territory—which will never be—had a newspaper in 1886, the Daily Cooke Picnic, published for one issue only by David Boerum, an old prospector, bookkeeper and good fellow all the time. It was a small folder written in ink by Mr. Boerum, and sold at 25 cents a copy. At that time Cooke City had a population of at least 150; the Republic smelter was running, business houses were plentiful; and Mr. Boerum did well on ads and the sale of his little sheet; too well, in fact, for the proceeds from the first issue started him on the bright lights road for a couple of weeks and when he came back the second issue was never undertaken.

Through the courtesy of Frank Beller of Gardiner, present member of the deputy game and fish warden staff for this district, the Pioneer reprints the Daily Cooke Picnic, in toto, consisting principally of advertisements, as follows:


Vol. 1. No. 1. Cooke City, Sept. 26, 1886

Continued from last week

Mr. Sturges has completed some fine views of the Republic Smelter and Cooke. A few copies are left and can be found at Ackerman’s.

Pat Hanley is doing the decorating for the Cosmopolitan. Pat is a dandy at the work and ranks.

A 1 in Cooke.

The boys are at work putting in brick at the old furnace. When completed work will be resumed.

“Truthful John” is running for coroner. He wants to hold an inquest on the Republicans next November.

The surprise party at the Republic was a perfect success. They all came home happy and elated.

Bause and French, and Ross Bros., General Merchandise, are doing a good business.

Cause of no editorial this issue—Editor indisposed.

Look out for Wyman and Lilly next week.

For Liquors, Wines, Cigars and a good glass of Bozeman Beer, go to the Headquarters. Hanley and Hague.

For a good pair of boots, or fine work see Harris.

Peter Forarey has a choice selection of Wines, Liquors and Cigars.

Go to Nichols & Chittenden for hardware.

Blacksmithing done on short notice by Uncle George.

The Republic Smelter is running finely.

This is a daisy camp for Prohibitionists.

Why don’t the Young Men form a Dancing Club to while away the long Winter Evenings?

A Young Men’s Christian Association will soon be formed after election by the Democrats.

The handsomest young man in town can be found at the Novelty Store. Geo. Joseph, Prop’r.

Only Livery and Feed Stable in Cooke. Smith and Hobbs, Propr’s.

As this is our first issue, and Proprietor and Editor have gone to Lake Abundance with a party of mining experts, and the Devil is playing poker, Terms will be given later.

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Cooke City Montana Museum

206 W. Main Street

P.O. Box 1134

Cooke City, MT 59020

Museum Director: Donna Rowland

Telephone : ​406-838-2203 

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