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Historical Note - Week of January 17th

The Livingston Enterprise, January 17, 1885

Frank Stone came in from Cooke with the mail on the 6th. A terrible gale was blowing across the range between Big and Little Black Tail creeks. The drifting snow struck him in the face like “sharp needles.” At times he had to make full stops to recover breath and make sure of his course. Notwithstanding the recent cold and drifting storms the mail service has been most excellent between Cooke and Mammoth Hot Springs.

Mr. Chas Eaton came down from Cooke on the 6th and faced the storm heroically in order to be at the ball on Thursday, 8th, at Mr. Hoppe’s. The fine weather, the new bridge, and the established reputation of Mrs. Hoppe as a first class culinary artist; together with the courtly and generous hospitality of the landlord are all attractions that will ensure a splendid party of “Honest men and bonnie lasses,” in which the Yellowstone surpasses.

Republic Mountain, 2016


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