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Historical Note: Week of November 8th

Gardiner Wonderland, November 12, 1904

Dr. G.L. Tanzer, of Seattle, president and treasurer of the New World Smelting company, the new mining concern which is about to operate in Cooke City was in Livingston the end of the week, and told a representative of the Post that his company had filed applications for a smelter site, a sawmill site, a town site, a 5-mile road leading into the camp, two conduit ditches and 500,000 feet of timber with the proper parties. The sawmill is ready for shipment from Philadelphia, and when built will have a capacity of 20,000 feet of lumber daily. The force of men now at work in Cooke City will be kept there all winter, and it is anticipated that the smelter will be ready about September 1, 1905. Mr. Tanzer says that after July 1, 1905, ores will be purchased for cash, and also that he was highly pleased with the outlook.


Tha saw and lumbering mills are not shown in the above etching. The [.....] house is in the foreground at the left, with the end of the big flume behind it. Steam is to be used in this until the big water wheel is installed. The assay office is in the form of a wing to t the sampling mill. The buildings to the left of it are the homes of the local manager, mill superintendent, and metallurgist. The sampling mill is well up the side of the mountain, where ore teams will have eay approach, from whence the ores are run into bins, and [...] to the smelter. THe wighing station is in the rear of the sampling mill. The general offices of the company, store, and other buildings are further down the river. The lumbering mills are above the power house. The above etching is rather crude, but corret in the main, as the buildings will be when completed. The power wheel is at the base f the flume fall. - New World City Times, November 25, 1904

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