Historical Note - Week of September 6th
The Anaconda Standard, September 8, 1895
A Teamster’s Fatal Accident Near Cooke-His Name was Becker
Special Dispatch to the Standard
Livingston, Mont. Sept. 7.—Word was brought down from Cinnabar at 12 o’clock to-night of a fatal accident near Cooke City last Thursday, the victim being a teamster named Becker. He was employed in hauling ore from the Daisy mine at Cooke to Cinnabar, and stated down the mountain alone with a six-horse team. He was found shortly afterward by P.P. Bliss [A.P. Bliss], a capitalist from Saginaw, Mich., a few feet behind his wagon, dead, with his chest caved in. The dead man still had a hold of the lines. The horses were standing still, having been turned up against the side of the bluff. No one witnessed the accident, but it is supposed that the heavily loaded wagon got the start of the teamster, and that to save a general wreck he steered up against the bluff, when the wagon struck a rock, throwing the driver off and under the wheels. The body was brought down to Gardiner the home of the deceased, to-day for burial. The dead man was well along in years and has two sons residing near Whitehall.