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Fundraiser Update

This past Friday the Cooke City Montana Museum held its fundraising event “Life Between Mountains: paint, lace and rust.” Visitors were treated to an evening of history, art and fun as 23 still life paintings inspired by the Museum’s collection were auctioned in live and silent events. The paintings are by Museum Director and local artist Kelly Hartman. Each item in the live auction was prefaced with a bit about the history of the artifacts and or topics painted. The two and a half hour event was a success; the Museum benefiting from the donated time and talent of the artist and the proceeds from the sales. Enjoy some photos below from the event!

The wonderful group of volunteers who made this beautiful refreshement table and helped behind the scenes make this event possible.

Silent auction table #1

The auctioneer, artist and Council President (left to right).

Live auction paintings were placed on easels throughout the exhibits, allowing visitors to view the artifacts with the paintings.

Surprise painting #23, finished by the artist that morning.

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