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Historical Note - Week of June 28th

Fallon County Times, June 29, 1933

A.G. Vincelette Opens and Operates Silver Gate Camp

A G Vincelette and family who moved to Billings two years ago are now located at the new entrance to the Yellowstone park, two miles south of old Cooke City, where they have a tourist and home camp. They have a few cabins and are putting up several more, all made of peeled logs and rent them furnished or unfurnished.

The site is about 7388 above sea level and the scenery is magnificent. In writing to Martin Russell, Mr. Vincelette says: The river runs by all of our cabins, one can catch tout from the porch. We are in the heart of the big game county, elk, moose, deer, buffalo, with a sprinkling of bears for good measure, not saying anything about mountain lions. Our land is heavily timbered with pine, blue spruces and firs. We are on the highway, the mail is delivered three times a week at our door.

Silver gate is a new townsite just laid out last fall on the new highway from Red Lodge to Cooke a Park entrance. It will be 110 miles from Billings when completed and will be oiled from Miles City to our camp.

This is a wonderful place and I would call it paradise. It is the place for those troubled with hay fever. If any of our Baker friends come, we would like to have them make reservations as early as possible so we would be able to care for them. You can visit the park from here better than at most places and be back at camp every night.”

Now who wouldn’t want to spend a short or long vacation at Silver Gate?


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Cooke City Montana Museum

206 W. Main Street

P.O. Box 1134

Cooke City, MT 59020

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