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Historical Note - Week of May 17th

Big Timber Pioneer, May 20, 1915

Autos in Big Park Will Help Cooke City

Livingston Enterprise: - Information of a reliable character reaching Livingston Friday conveyed the news that the Buffalo Montana Mining company of Cooke is preparing for the shipping of one hundred tons of ore daily from their Cooke mines during the coming summer. The ore will be transported from Cooke to Gardiner by heavy auto trucks of the latest design. Permission has been secured of the interior department of the federal government for the use of heavy trucks through the Yellowstone national park. With the contemplated repairs completed on the last seven miles of road into Cooke, the road from Gardiner clear through to the mining camp will be in the best shape for the handling of this heavy traffic.

Recently the matter of repairs to the Cooke road was taken up with the board of county commissioners by the Park Chamber of Commerce and it is believed that in the neighborhood of $1,000 will be used in the near future in putting the road in first class shape.

With this, the first real opening that Cooke has had in years, comes a spirit of optimism throughout the whole upper country that augurs well for the future prospects of Cooke and its citizens. The movement of such quantities of ore, with the subsequent opening up of operations in the New World mining district, it is declared, will not only mean much to Cooke and vicinity but to the entire county of Park.

The new auto trucks which are to be used in this work are expected to arrive within a short time. Especially constructed for this work they are being rushed to completion in eastern factories.

Lamar road

Road Condition in Lamar Valley in Spring of 1922.

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