Historical Note Week of November 22nd
Mining came with many occupational hazards, here are two incidents that showcase these dangers.
The River Press, November 22, 1882
On the 16th inst. A man named Clifton, working in the Great Republic mine, in the Clark’s Fork country, was the victim of a powder explosion by which he was seriously injured. He was brought to Bozeman Monday evening, having been seven days on the road. Dr. Whitefoot was called to attend the injured man, and from him we learn that Clifton and his partner had put in a shot, and after waiting an hour for it to go off, Clifton approached and stopped [at] the hole, when the charge exploded. Clifton’s face and breast were filled with fine particles of rock and dirt. His right arm was also bruised and torn just below the shoulder. Owing to the length of time clasping [lapsing?] between receiving his injuries and the present, the extent to which he is hurt is unknown, but his physician expresses a belief that he is not seriously injured, and that the sight of one eye, if not both, will be saved.
The River Press, November 28, 1883
Chancey Butler, a teamster at Eaton’s saw mill, Cooke city, was instantly killed by a falling tree on the 12th inst.