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Historical Note - Week of August 2nd

Big Timber Pioneer, August 2, 1928

Livingston Enterprise: Announcement comes from Cooke City of the naming of the date for the seventh annual picnic, barbeque and fish fry to be given by the Old Timers of Cooke City. The date set is August 5, 1928, or one week from next Sunday. The folks of that mining center and mountain summer resort country have made an enviable republican as hosts, and the importance of this Old Timers event has mounted in the scale of statewide attractions each year until the announcement of this year’s celebration will draw guests from the length and breadth of Montana. A program of music, sports, public speaking and every form of pioneer contests, in addition to the eats, will make a new record for entertainment and amusement. Everybody is invited.

This Friday, August 7th, 2015, we will be having our own party as we auction off the paintings in our fundraiser event, Life Between Mountains: paint, lace and rust. Please join us in supporting the Museum with an evening of art and history, all proceeds benefiting the Museum. Artist and Museum director Kelly Hartman will be present to tell a bit about the history of each piece. Each live auction painting will be accompanied by a set of Cooke City Montana Museum wine glasses. Everybody is invited.

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