Historical Note - 1st Anniversary!!!
Today, July 19th, marks the one year anniversary of the Museum's Grand Opening. A year has gone by so fast, and I am amazed everyday just how big of an impact this Museum has made in the community. I want to take this opportunity to tell you all what has been accomplished. We now have visitors who spend 5-10 minutes on average to walk through our Museum, they are now gleaning some understanding of our history. Then there are those who spend 15-20 even 30 minutes to an hour reading the screens, looking at the artifacts and indulging in a conversation. They are now interacting with our history, and waking away with an informed vision of how the community has grown to what it is today. This is exactly what a Museum is supposed to do, and we have accomplished that.
We have been featured in the Montana Historical Society Star, the Livingston Enterprise, and have had and will have representation at the Museum’s Association of Montana and the Montana History Conferences. Our dream has become a reality, and all of our hard work is getting notice.
And we are NOT finished yet! We are now in a position to give our visitors more, to take interpretation to a new level. This year we have our fundraiser “Life Between Mountains: paint, lace and rust,” which has been a wonderful opportunity to present our collection of artifacts on a new level. We have updated two exhibits and all of our touchscreens. This Museum is not static, and will continue to change as more information and opportunity comes our way. That’s why this next year (2016) we will be looking to present a comprehensive book on the history of the area.
I would like to thank you all for your continued support of this Museum. None of this would have been possible without you and we all should take ownership of what has been accomplished thus far. We are making history. Happy Anniversary!!!